Sunday, October 7, 2012

Follow Me

Riley has quite an imagination and he is quite a story teller.  Today Riley repeatedly asked to go bye bye.  "Come on dad follow me" he says.  When asked where we were going he says "to see the buffalo and elk" and when questioned on where we would find the Buffalo he says "Yellowstone park".  He didn't give up when we told him we weren't going to Yellowstone today.  At one point he went so far as to put his favorite stuffed animal in his back pack and put on his boots and vest and head out side.  He was pretty sure we were going to see the buffalo and elk today. 

Last summer we made a great trip through Montana and camped a couple of nights in Yellowstone.  Riley was a huge fan of the Buffalo and elk. Apparently Riley wants to go back.


  1. So cute!!! We are hoping to go to Yellowstone on our way home from the Ds Conference next summer : )

  2. Of course he wants to go to see Yellowstone Park!!! It's a great place. Tell him next time to take his horse!

    Gramma Debbie



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