Fridays are exciting days in Riley's world. Not only does he get to see Eminee at school but it's library day. Books are a very big deal and library books might be the best kind of books there are. Riley came home from school a couple weeks ago very excited about the library book he picked out and was able to bring home. That copy of Prince Caspian has made the rounds and Riley checks it out again each week. It travels back and forth to school via the backpack and makes a daily trip to the resource room where it has a special place to sit while Riley reads the books the teacher has for him. After school Riley was proudly displaying his library book when he emerged from the classroom.
His teacher is also trying a new reward system to help motivate him to get more work done for his aides. His reward after finishing 4 pieces of work is to have free time where he can choose to read his book in his special house, aka under the teachers desk, or to play blocks. Not sure if he made it to his special house today but if he did I'm guessing Prince Caspian came along.
Riley also gets to visit one of his favorite people in the world after school on Fridays. Marie has been Riley's speech therapist since he left the Guild school at 3 years old.
Marie is a very patient person and Riley tests that patience on a regular basis. Riley loves to borrow a toy from Marie's office. He has to take special care of it and then return the following Friday. This week he came out with a monkey and he was super excited. It hasn't left his grip since we left her office!
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