Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rewind Summer 2010 - Summer Baseball

Rex loves baseball!  I think its his favorite sport and I'm sure he would choose baseball over soccer if he had to.  For that reason I am thankful that he can play summer baseball and not give up soccer.  I loved playing softball growing up but lil guy baseball while fun is not action packed.  I have to admit that I would miss soccer and his great little team if he gave it up.  So for now we play summer baseball and Rex loves every minute of it.  He had a great season and learned a lot.  There were some great hits and nice catches in the outfield.  He made some new friends and had a great summer!

This appears to be a swing and a miss...

but this was a nice hit over second base. 

Riley is a great fan.  He acutally was very well behaved at the games this year.  His favorite part was the snacks.  He learned which moms carried the best snacks and he would perform for treats. 

Rex was super super excited to play catcher.  95 degrees outside and he excited about extra pads and shin guards.  Boys are weird!  He is built solid like a catcher so maybe I should encourage... 

Riley so badly wants to be like Rex.  He idolizes him.  Rex left his gear out and while we weren't looking Riley got all geared up to play ball.  So proud of himself!!


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