Saturday, October 31, 2009

Candy for All

Get It Down; 31 for 21

I wasn't sure if Riley would really have fun tricker treating or not but I should have never doubted it.  He was on FIRE tonight.  We went to the mall and he was all over it once he figured out that they were giving him treats.  It was a mellow evening since we took the kids to the mall.  After the candy gathering we met my parents and brother and sister in law for pizza.  It was a great Halloween. 


  1. Rex's costume was scary! : ) Those pictures of them asleep were just adorable. I hope my kiddos are as good as friends as your kids are.

  2. Cute, Cute, Cute! Don't tell Rex I said that =)

  3. What cute pictures (especially the ones of them asleep in the car!). Going to the mall is such a great idea!


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