Friday, October 21, 2011

21 Things About Riley

October 21, 2011 brings the yearly list of 21 things about Riley.  You can find last years list here.  2009s list is here and my original list is here.  Hard to believe this little blog has been around so long.

  1. Riley is almost 5 now.  
  2. Riley's  favorite food is is chicken.  He wants dinner to be chicken every night.  We call lots of things chicken...  we'll teach him about pork and beef before he gets married. 
  3. Riley started wearing hearing aids 3 weeks ago.  They have made a huge difference already. 
  4. Riley is pretty much potty trained and is dry through the night too.  This process sent us to the urologist where we discovered his testicles hadn't totally descended. 
  5. Surgery to correct #4 will happen in January. 
  6. Riley has huge x ginormous tonsils.  The ENT is watching them and the speech therapist has expressed concerns.  I'm guessing the tonsils don't make it through 2012.  I wonder if they will give me a discount for taking 2 kids in at the same time. 
  7. Riley loves his new daycare.  He acts like he has been there for years.  When he arrives in the morning he yells "morning Sara!" to his teacher and is off. 
  8. Tiny Tim the Turtle song is his current favorite but Riley loves to sing and all kinds of music. 
  9. He also loves to sing the ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle  and a ton of more pop stuff like I'm Yours by Jason Mraz, songs by Pitbull and Katy Perry.  He does his best singing in the car. 
  10. Riley is a HUGE Elmo fan.  He loves all things Sesame Street but Elmo is the fav!
  11. Riley loves books!  One of his current favorites is Ten Little Ladybugs
  12. Riley adores his big brother.  Rex had still make him laugh faster than anyone else in the world.
  13. Puzzles are Riley's favorite app on my IPhone.  Its amazing to watch he moves the pieces around and drop them into place.
  14. Angry Birds is another favorite app.  He has a hard time shooting the little bird the right direction but he loves it!
  15. Riley doesn't like to walk anywhere.  Running is more his speed. 
  16. Riley is going to be Wood for Halloween.  We borrowed a pair of cowboy boots from our friend and my mom is sewing a vest.  He is going to rock this one. 
  17. Riley loves to cook.  He helps me count the eggs and stir.  He is very handsome in an apron.
  18. Riley loves to play with his friends.  I can bribe him to do almost anything with the promise of getting to play with his girl friends, or Braden.  HMM now that I think about it I think I need to find him some little boys to play with.
  19. Play dough is one of Riley's favorite things to play with.  Typically he makes snakes!
  20. Farm animals are always at the top of the list for playtime fun.  He loves to build barns from his blocks to put his animals in. 
  21. Riley is amazing!  He is learning so much at school and has been talking a blue streak.  Its been fun to be able to relax a bit and just enjoy having a 4 year old in the house.  Too soon he will be off to kindergarten. 


  1. I LOVE the 10 Little Ladybugs book! Can't wait to see little man as Woody - so cute!

  2. He is getting so grown up...and is, of course, adorable and amazing! Post a video of him singing!!!


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