Monday, October 24, 2016

31 Days of Down syndrome Awareness Day 24

Today we had an IEP meeting for Riley.  Thankfully these meetings don't create quite the stress they used too.  We were able to finalize the support he needs for the rest of his day.  I'll leave out all the nonsense that the District staff creates that doesn't improve the process and jump to the good part of the story.  Riley has support through out his entire day again.   There have been a lot of extra challenges this year with a change in his aid.  If it had been as simple  as changing support staff this fall would have been a piece of cake but nothing is ever a piece of cake it seems.    I am very hopeful that things will start to fall back into routine for him now that he'll have the support he needs.

His team at the actual school building is amazing.  They take amazing care of my boy and push him to be the best he can be.   Can't ask for any thing more than the support they provide Riley and the rest of his crazy family.  I wish his team didn't have to deal with all of the District craziness to deliver what they know is best.  It makes their job so much more challenging than it has to be.

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