Monday, November 26, 2012

Love Animals

Riley had to give his first report at school today.  The assignment was to choose a Saint and learn about them and then report back to the class on your saint while dressed as your choosen saint.  I scoured the internet looking for the patron saint of Down syndrome but wouldn't you know thats about the only thing we catholics don't have a patron saint of.  There is one guy they are working on but I wasn't about to send him to school with a almost saint. 

So we went the next best route and choose St Francis of Assisi because Riley LOVES LOVES LOVES animals.  Not truly sure how to help facilitate Riley completing this project I'll admit I simply chose for him and wrote in the few facts that he needed to report on.  Then we rehearsed his line.  Saint Francis LOVES animals!  Riley had it down and for those of you who are friends on facebook you know he had it down a week ago when I sent him to school in costume a week early. 

This morning we practiced again and put on the costume which consisted of an Old Navy tshirt of Justin's with a shoelace tied at the waist.  I looped a rosary at the waist and he carried a beanie baby bird with him. 

I picked him up at school this afternoon anxious for a report and the teacher is cracking up giving me the days update.  The morning went well.  They paraded through all the older classrooms and apparently he had to tell all the teachers he was St Francis and he loved animals.  I've heard from a few parents that their kids loved his costume.  One mom said her daughter tried to give him a fist bump but he insisted on a hug.  I love hearing these tidbits about his day from the kids.  He is so loved at school.  After the parade they went up to church where they talked with Father Mee.  When asked who he was Riley replies "I Riley".  Oh well at least he told everyone else he was St Francis. 

The day degraded after that.  He lined up great from recess but then made his escape as the came down the stairs.  Apparently he hid behind the statue of Mary that sits in the court yard.  I think Rex's teacher will help him remember to go up to recess to help Riley back to class since she was on duty and couldn't get him to get back in line.  The reading teacher came out to wrangle help Riley so that the other teachers could take their kids back to class.  It took some negotiations but she was able to get him out from behind the statue and back to class.  Thankfully she has a great sense of humour and loves Riley. 

Rex's teacher in her cute Scottish accent had to stop Riley's teacher to see how St Francis managed with Mary.  Riley is so very lucky he is so darn cute.  Only with the sparkle in his eyes and his smile does he keep himself in every one's good graces. 

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