Friday, October 1, 2010

Friends - 31 for 21 Challenge Day 1

I've been thinking about a lot about friends lately.  I have some amazing friends  in my life and so do my boys.  Riley has a special friend that he just adores.  His friend Ella hasn't always been so fond of Riley since he's loud at times but they are on pretty firm ground in that category these days.  They are quite the pair with more personality than Kacey and I know how to handle at times.  I often wonder how their friendship will grow over the years.  I hope it brings them a life time of happiness and laughs!


  1. Awww! They are quite the pair for sure!!! I hope that their friendship continues to grow and that they will always be there for eachother!!!!

  2. Oh man!That picture is ridiculously cute!!!! Day 1, comment 1 - so far so good on my goal. ( ; Keep 'em coming!

  3. that is one of the cutest photos I have seen in a long time! ahhhh!!! ADORABLE!

  4. Can't believe it's been a year already! Looking forward to the next 30 days...great picture btw :)


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