Sunday, August 22, 2010

August 22, 2002

This was a fabulous day in my life.  Rex Thomas, my first born son arrived and my world has never been the same.  It is hard to believe that 8 years have rolled by so quickly.  With each new stage in his life I think I have found my favorite but then he moves on to the next and I love that just as much or more.  Rex is currently getting ready to start the 2nd grade.  Hard to believe the summer is winding down and school starts in a week.  I'm going to to blame our wonderfully busy summer on my bad blogging and I promise to fix that.  I hope this next week I'll be able to do a rewind and catch you all up on the fun that the last two months have contained. 

Back to the point at hand.  My baby is turning in to a young man right before my very eyes.  He has such a sensitive soul and yet is such a gross boy all at the same time it a perfect mix.  Rex is such a fabulous big brother to Riley its amazes me on a regular basis.  He is Riley's biggest fan, his mentor and his accomplice all wrapped into one amazing young man. 

Rex is a huge sports fan and just about to start his third year of soccer.  He is also turning into a serious little cub scout.  He is a Wolf this year and the Den just had the honor of presenting the Colors at a Spokane Indians baseball game last night.  Pretty sweet way to spend the evening before your 8th birthday if you ask me.  Rex was able to carry the Den's flag and took his job very seriously.  The kids had a blast and all the families enjoyed the game as well. 

Happy Birthday Rex!  I love you!

Rex was super excited to get a Cougs outfit from plain Gramma! 

Count them...8 big candles!!!


  1. Happy Birthday! I love those pictures--he looks so proud in his Cub Scout uniform!


  2. Happy Birthday Rex!! What a fun way to spend the day before his birthday!! Boys are so fun and yet so lovealbe at the same time!! They grow WAY to fast!! You should be a very proud momma!! :)


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